A model is developed to describe a coronal loop, which may originate from a
photospheric source of smaller size than the coronal radius of the loop. T
he energy and relative helicity of the loop are evaluated, as are two alter
native estimates of the energy available for coronal heating. Both of these
estimates are strongly dependent on the size of the photospheric footprint
of the loop. A coronal heating rate is then deduced, based on a nanoflare-
type scenario, where slowly accumulated energy is rapidly released as heat.
An explicit calculation is carried out for one particular choice of loop l
ength and coronal radius, with dissipation timescale and photospheric radiu
s as parameters. Two main conclusions are reached. Firstly, the proposed me
chanism can make a significant contribution to coronal heating. Secondly, t
he mechanism is more effective for a more concentrated photospheric flux so