Background. The purpose of our study was to elucidate features, surgical pr
ocedures, and long-term results in patients with anorectal complications of
Crohn's disease.
Methods. Physical findings, surgical treatment, and long-term outcome were
recorded prospectively for 224 patients who had anorectal complications of
Crohn's disease between October 1984 and May 1999.
Results. Presenting complications included abscess (n = 36) fistula-in-ano
(n = 51), rectovaginal fistula (n = 20), anal stenosis (n = 40), anal incon
tinence (n = 11), or a combination of features (n = 66). Twenty-four patien
ts did not undergo surgical treatment; the remaining 200 patients underwent
284 procedures. Ultimately, 139 patients (62%) retained anorectal function
; reasons for proctectomy in the remaining 85 patients included disease (n
= 66), extensive fistular disease (n = 15), fecal incontinence (n = 2), and
tight anal stenosis (n = 1). Patients with rectal disease had a significan
tly higher rate of proctectomy than patients with rectal sparing (77.6% vs
13.6%, respectively, P <.0001). In the absence of rectal involvement, patie
nts with multiple complications had a significantly higher rate of proctect
omy than patients with single complications (23% vs 10%, P <.05).
Conclusions. A wide spectrum of surgical techniques is required for the man
agement of the diverse anorectal complications of Crohn's disease. Complete
healing and control of sepsis can be achieved in the majority of patients.
Active rectal disease and multiple complications significantly increase th
e need for proctectomy.