The leaching of nitrogen from surface-applied fertilizer to groundwater is
an environmental concern. Nitrogen fertilizer is routinely applied to turf
grass from spring to late autumn in Canada. The main objective of this stud
y was to determine the contribution of N applied in May, July and September
to leaching. The leaching of applied chloride (May and September only) was
also monitored and the transport of nitrate and chloride were simulated us
ing the model LEACHM (within EXPRES) to assist in fulfilling the main objec
tive. The accuracy of the model simulation for transport, not nitrogen loss
es, was also addressed. Field lysimeters (Guelph, Ontario) were packed with
a three-horizon profile of a sandy loam soil, topped with Kentucky bluegra
ss (Poa pratensis) sod and monitored for 1 year Based on soil water samples
taken from suction samplers placed at depths of 10, 17, 29, 43, 54, 64 and
85 cm, part of the solute from spring/summer applications remained in the
soil during the unusually dry summer. This residual solute was later transp
orted downward with the ensuing infiltration front in late autumn, building
upon the autumn application, resulting in excessive concentrations. Predic
tions by LEACHM of solute concentration profiles generally were similar to
field measurements.