Activated sludge deflocculated when it was exposed to anaerobic conditions
and shear. The extent of deflocculation, measured as turbidity, varied with
length of anaerobic period and sludge type (age). In order to restore the
deflocculated sludge, oxygen was added, and subsequently, in less than 1 h,
most of the deflocculated matter was reflocculated. A certain part of the
deflocculated hoc components remained, however, deflocculated even after se
veral hours of aeration. As the sludge was exposed to repeated deflocculati
on-reflocculation conditions, the flocs were progressively damaged, and an
accumulation of non-flocculated matter was observed. Measurements of the nu
mber of bacteria, the concentration of protein, humic substances and carboh
ydrate in the sludge and the supernatant indicated that the deflocculated m
aterial was mainly composed of bacteria and extracellular polymeric substan
ces (EPS) attached to cells or hoc fragments. The non-flocculated particles
after reflocculation were enriched in bacteria and protein, compared to th
e average sludge composition. A reduced deflocculation was observed when ni
trate acted as an electron acceptor (anoxic conditions), compared to anaero
bic conditions. Increased shear and decreased temperature reinforced the de
flocculation. Field experiments showed a temporal variation in flee strengt
hs with the weakest flocs present in the winter period. (C) 2000 Elsevier S
cience Ltd. All rights reserved.