Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to image the cellular structure
of Merino wool fibres. Fibres were embedded in LR White resin and sec
tioned with an ultramicrotome using a diamond knife. Both thin section
s and the block, from which the sections were cut, were imaged. The te
chnique yielded sufficiently flat surfaces, enabling details of the ce
llular components within the wool fibre (ortho- and paracortical cells
, cell membrane complex, macrofibrils and nuclear remnants) to be read
ily discerned by AFM. Some images show the cell membrane complex to be
below the surface of the cortical cells, whereas in other images, the
cell membrane complex was above the level of the cortical cells. (C)
1997 Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. Pub
lished by Elsevier Science Ltd.