We consider electrostatic plasma modes along the open held lines of a rotat
ing neutron star. Goldreich-Julian charge density in general relativity is
analyzed for the neutron star with zero inclination. It is found that the c
harge density is maximum at the polar cap and remains almost the same in a
certain extended region of the pole. For a steady state Goldreich-Julian ch
arge density we found the usual plasma oscillation along the field lines; p
lasma frequency resembles the gravitational redshift close to the Schwarzsc
hild radius. We study the nonlinear plasma mode along the held lines. From
the system of equations under general relativity, a second-order differenti
al equation is derived. The equation contains a term that describes the gro
wing plasma modes near Schwarzschild radius in a black hole environment. Th
e term vanishes with the distance far away from the gravitating object. For
initially zero potential and held on the surface of a neutron star, Goldre
ich-Julian charge density is found to create the plasma mode, which is enha
nced and propagates almost without damping along the open held lines. We br
iefly outline our plan to extend the work far studying soliton propagation
along the open field lines of strongly gravitating objects.