Objective: Earlier studies have suggested that symptoms of depressive disor
der in adolescents may differ from those found in adults. Even so, diagnost
ic criteria developed in adults have come to be widely applied to younger s
ubjects. This study examines the frequency of ICD-10 symptoms in depressive
disorder and their association with severity in a large community sample o
f adolescents aged 15 to 18 years.
Method: A six-wave prospective study of adolescent health and emotional wel
lbeing in 2032 Australian secondary school students provided an opportunity
to conduct a two-phase study of adolescent onset depression. A self-admini
stered computerised form of the revised Clinical Interview Schedule (CIS-R)
was used as a first phase diagnostic measure. Second phase assessment usin
g the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) allowed the delin
eation of a group fulfilling criteria on both instruments. The ICD-10 sympt
oms and severity profiles for depression were generated with standard algor
Results: 1947 (95.8%) out of 2032 subjects in the designated sample complet
ed phase 1 assessment at least once. Participation rates at phase 2 intervi
ews were 93%. Over the 30-month study period 69 subjects (10 male, 59 femal
e) fulfilled criteria for ICD-10 depressive episodes on both the CIS-R and
CIDI. Thirty-one per cent (n = 21) had experienced a severe episode, 46% (n
= 32) moderate and 23% (n = 16) mild episodes. Loss of interest and pleasu
re, decreased energy and fatigue, sleep disturbance, suicidal ideation and
diminished concentration most clearly distinguished adolescents with depres
sive disorder from controls. Self-reproach and guilt, psychomotor agitation
and/or retardation and appetite disturbance with weight change showed the
clearest increase in frequency with increasing severity of episode. The som
atic syndrome was reported by close to one in three of those with a severe
depressive episode, but was uncommon in those with mild and moderate episod
Conclusions: The ICD-10 diagnostic criteria are applicable to depressive di
sorder in older adolescents. With the exception of depressed mood, found in
one in five non-cases, all other symptoms were common in cases and uncommo
n in non-cases. Practitioner awareness of symptoms indicating the presence
and severity of disorder should enhance early identification and choice of
treatment in adolescent depression.