Background: The etiology of schizophrenia remains unknown; however, a role
for apoptosis has been hypothesized. Bcl-2 is a potent inhibitor of apoptos
is and also exerts neurotrophic activity in the central nervous system (CNS
), Bcl-2 expression is increased in the CNS of several neurodegenerarive di
sorders. Given that schizophrenia has certain features of a limited neurode
generative disorder, it was hypothesized that cortical Bcl-2 expression is
increased in schizophrenia
Methods: Postmortem temporal cortex was obtained from the Stanley Foundatio
n Neuropathology Consortium with matched control, schizophrenic, bipolar, a
nd depressed subjects, Bcl-2 protein was measured by enzyme-linked immunoas
say (ELISA) and Western blot. Primary analysis was limited to schizophrenia
versus control subjects,
Results: The ELISA demonstrated 25% less Bcl-2 protein in schizophrenia (p
= .046), supported by Western blot results. A secondary analysis of schizop
hrenic and bipolar subjects revealed twofold higher mean Bcl-2 in antipsych
otic-treated versus neuroleptic-naive subjects.
Conclusions: Contrary to our hypothesis, cortical Bcl-2 was reduced in schi
zophrenia. This supports the notion that schizophrenia is not a classic neu
rodegenerative disorder; however, less Bcl-2 protein may signal neuronal vu
lnerability to proapoptotic stimuli and to neuronal atrophy. Also, the asso
ciation between neuroleptic exposure and higher Bcl-2 levels could underlie
the favorable long-term outcomes of patients who receive maintenance antip
sychotic treatment. (C) 2000 Society of Biological Psychiatry.