Aldosterone, the major circulating mineralocorticoid, participates in blood
volume and serum potassium homeostasis, Primary aldosteronism is a disorde
r characterised by hypertension and hypokalaemia due to autonomous aldoster
one secretion from the adrenocortical zona glomerulosa. Improved screening
techniques, particularly application of the plasma aldosterone:plasma renin
activity ratio, have led to a suggestion that primary aldosteronism may be
more common than previously appreciated among adults with hypertension. Gl
ucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA) was the first described familia
l form of hyperaldosteronism. The disorder is characterised by aldosterone
secretory function regulated chronically by ACTH. Hence, aldosterone hypers
ecretion can be suppressed, on a sustained basis, by exogenous glucocortico
ids such as dexamethasone in physiologic range doses. This autosomal domina
nt disorder has been shown to be caused by a hybrid gene mutation formed by
a crossover of genetic material between the ACTH-responsive regulatory por
tion of the 11 beta -hydroxylase (CYP11B1) gene and the coding region of th
e aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) gene. Familial hyperaldosteronism type II
(FH-II), so named to distinguish the disorder from GRA or familial hyperald
osteronism type I(FH-I), is characterised by autosomal dominant inheritance
of autonomous aldosterone hypersecretion which is not suppressible by dexa
methasone. Linkage analysis in a single large kindred, and direct mutation
screening, has shown that this disorder is unrelated to mutations in the ge
nes for aldosterone synthase or the angiotensin II receptor. The precise ge
netic cause of FH-U remains to be elucidated.