OBJECTIVE: To examine the suitability of a plaster-fibreglass hybrid cast f
or orthopedic applications, comparing them to plaster of Paris (POP) and fi
breglass constructs.
METHOD: Groups of 10 standardized hybrid, POP and fibreglass casts were stu
died. An Instron servohydraulic system was used to test the casts in 3-poin
t bending and shear.
OUTCOME MEASURES: Strength, stiffness, weight, thickness and cost of the 3
types of cast, and shear strength at the interface between the POP and fibr
eglass in the hybrid casts.
RESULTS: The hybrid casts were twice as strong as the POP constructs, were
stiffer and weighed 14% less but were thicker and cost 2.5 times more. They
were almost as strong as and less than half the cost of the fibreglass con
structs but were thicker, not as stiff, and weighed 42% more. The shear str
ength of the POP-fibreglass interface in the hybrid casts was higher than t
he 3-point bending strength of this construct by a factor of 3.
CONCLUSIONS: Plaster-fibreglass hybrid casts should be considered for ortho
pedic use on the basis of their strength, stiffness, weight and cost, combi
ned with their ackno vi ledged advantages of good moulding ability and wate
r resistance.