Since the Aegean took over the deep water production of the Eastern Mediter
ranean at the end of the 1980s, the proficiency of the Adriatic as a format
ion site has been under question. The salt supply in the intermediate water
enabling the Adriatic to produce dense water was diminished because of a s
alinity decrease by upwelling mid-depth waters. Tracer data indeed indicate
that the deep layer ill the Adriatic has not been ventilated for most of t
he 1990s. The data presented also show that the dilution of the intermediat
e water reached a peak in 1995, after which more ventilated and saline wate
rs were added. The recent increase of salt supply to the Adriatic by an ext
remely saline intermediate water mass supplied from the Aegean, establishes
the preconditioning required to resume dense water production in the Adria