Linearized methods are presented for appraising resolution and parameter ac
curacy in images generated with 2-D and 3-D nonlinear electromagnetic (EM)
inversion schemes. When direct matrix inversion is used, the model resoluti
on and a posteriori model covariance matrices can be calculated readily. By
analyzing individual columns of the model resolution matrix, the spatial v
ariation of the resolution in the horizontal and vertical directions can be
estimated empirically. Plotting the diagonal of the model covariance matri
x provides an estimate of how errors in the inversion process, such as data
noise and incorrect a priori assumptions, map into parameter error and thu
s provides valuable information about the uniqueness of the resulting image
. Methods are also derived for image appraisal when the iterative conjugate
gradient technique is applied to solve the inverse. An iterative statistic
al method yields accurate estimates of the model covariance matrix as long
as enough iterations are used. Although determining the entire model resolu
tion matrix in a similar manner is computationally prohibitive, individual
columns of this matrix can be determined. Thus, the spatial variation in im
age resolution can be determined by calculating the columns of this matrix
for key points in the image domain and then interpolating between. Examples
of the image analysis techniques are provided on 2-D and 3-D synthetic cro
ss-well EM data sets as well as a field data set collected at Lost Hills oi
l field in central California.