A beam implementation is presented for efficient full-volume 3-D prestack K
irchhoff depth migration of seismic data. Unlike conventional Kirchhoff mig
ration in which the input seismic traces in time are migrated one trace at
a time into the 3-D image volume for the earth's subsurface, the beam migra
tion processes a group of input traces (a supergather) together. The requir
ement for a supergather is that the source and receiver coordinates of the
traces fall into two small surface patches. The patches are small enough th
at a single set of time maps pertaining to the centers of the patches can b
e used to migrate all the traces within the supergather by Taylor expansion
or interpolation. The migration of a supergather consists of two major ste
ps: stacking the traces into a tau-P beam volume, and mapping the beams int
o the image volume. Since the beam volume is much smaller than the image vo
lume, the beam migration cost is roughly proportional to the number of inpu
t supergathers. The computational speedup of beam migration over convention
al Kirchhoff migration is roughly proportional to N-g, the average number o
f traces per supergather, resulting a theoretical speedup up to two orders
of magnitudes. The beam migration was successfully implemented and has been
in production use for several years. A factor of 5-25 speedup has been ach
ieved in our in-house depth migrations. The implementation made 3-D prestac
k full-volume depth imaging feasible in a parallel distributed environment.