In the past, numerous Cf genes have been reported in tomato (Lycopersicon e
sculentum Mill.) that confer resistance against leaf mould (Cladosporium? f
ulvum Cke.). We are interested in genetic variation at Cf loci. Therefore,
previously uncharacterized Cf genes were further analysed. Recognition of t
he AVR4 elicitor, DNA gel blot analysis, PCR analysis and sequencing of par
t of the Cf-4 locus showed that a large proportion of the accessions tested
harboured the Cf-4 resistance gene. We concluded that despite differences
in nomenclature, all these accessions harbour the same Cf-4 locus, probably
introgressed from the same donor. The origin of the Cf-4 locus and the rea
sons for discrepancies with earlier reports are discussed.