Tn. Sherratt et al., Use of coupled oscillator models to understand synchrony and travelling waves in populations of the field vole Microtus agrestis in northern England, J APPL ECOL, 37, 2000, pp. 148-158
1. Earlier studies have reported that field vole Microtus agrestis populati
ons in Kielder Forest, UK, exhibit typical 3-4-year cyclical dynamics, and
that the observed spatiotemporal patterns are consistent with a travelling
wave in vole abundance moving along an axis south-west-north-east at approx
imately 19 km year(-1). One property of this wave is that nearby population
s fluctuate more synchronously than distant ones, with correlations falling
lower than the average for the sampling area beyond approximately 13 km.
2. In this paper we present a series of models that investigate the possibi
lity that both the observed degree of synchrony and the travelling wave cal
l be explained as a simple consequence of linking a series of otherwise ind
ependently oscillating populations. Our 'coupled oscillator' models conside
r a series of populations, distributed either in a linear array or in a two
-dimensional regular matrix. Local population fluctuations, each with a 3-4
-year period, were generated using either a Ricker equation or a set of dis
crete-time Lotka-Volterra equations. Movement among populations was simulat
ed either by a fixed proportion of each population moving locally to their
nearest neighbour populations, or the same proportion being distributed via
a continuous geometric function (more distant populations receiving less).
3. For a variety of different ways of generating cycles and a number of dif
ferent movement rules, local exchange between oscillating populations tende
d to generate synchrony domains that extended over a large number of popula
tions. When the rates of exchange between local populations were relatively
low, then permanent travelling waves emerged, especially after an initial
invasion phase. There was a non-linear relationship between the amount of d
ispersal and the domain of synchrony that this movement generated. Furtherm
ore, the observed spatiotemporal patterns that emerged following an initial
invasion phase were found to be highly dependent on the extreme distances
reached by rare dispersers.
4. As populations of voles are predominantly distributed in grassland patch
es created by clear-cutting of forest stands, we estimated the mean patch d
iameter and mean interpatch distance using a geographical information syste
m (GIS) of the forest. Our simplified models suggest that if as much as 5-1
0% of each vole population dispersed a mean of 178 m between clear-cuts per
generation, then this would generate a synchrony domain and speed of wave
in the region of 6-24 km (per year), which is reasonably consistent with th
e observed synchrony domain and speed. Much less dispersal would be capable
of generating this scale of domain if some individuals occasionally moved
beyond the nearest-neighbour patch.
5. While we still do not know what causes the local oscillations, our model
s question the need to invoke additional factors to explain large-scale syn
chrony and travelling waves beyond small-scale dispersal and local density-
dependent feedback. Our work also suggests that the higher degrees of synch
rony observed in Fennoscandian habitats compared with Kielder may be due in
part to the relative ease of movement of voles in these former habitats. A
s our work confirms that the rates of exchange among local populations will
have a strong influence on synchrony, then we anticipate that the spatiote
mporal distribution of clear-cuts will also have an important influence on
the dynamics of predators of voles.