A 10-item multidimensional measure of test-taking motivation based on expec
tancy theory, the Valence, Instrumentality, Expectancy Motivation Scale (VI
EMS), was developed using a student sample (N = 90) and tested using 2 samp
les of job applicants in a field settings (N = 296; N = 246). In Field Stud
y 1, the VIEMS was related to test performance. Hierarchical regression ana
lysis showed that the VIEMS explained variance in test score beyond a gener
al measure of rest motivation. In a second longitudinal field study, pretes
t and posttest perceptions of motivation were compared. Results indicated t
hat expectancy was related to actual test performance, and perceived test p
erformance accounted for variance in posttest reports of motivation after c
ontrolling for pretest levels of motivation. Test-taking motivation did not
account for variance in test performance differences between African Ameri
cans and Whites in either field study.