Previous studies have shown that rain significantly enhances the rate of ai
r-water gas exchange. However, even though an empirical correlation between
the rain rate or kinetic energy flux (KEF) delivered to the water surface
by rain and the gas transfer velocity has been established, the physical me
chanisms underlying the gas exchange enhancement remain unexamined. During
a series of experiments, the processes behind rain-induced air-water gas ex
change were examined at NASA's Rain-Sea Interaction Facility (RSIF). Gas tr
ansfer velocities for helium (He), nitrous oxide (N2O), and sulfur hexafluo
ride (SF6) were determined for 22 rain rates (13.6 to 115.2 mm h(-1)) and t
hree drop sizes (2.3, 2.8, 4.2 mm). Bubbles generated by the raindrops were
characterized using a video-microscope technique, and surface waves were c
haracterized by a capacitance probe. Additionally, rain-generated turbulenc
e was inferred from friction velocities u(*w) calculated from KEF. Together
, these data suggest that rain-induced air-water gas exchange is mainly cau
sed by turbulence-driven exchange processes, with bubbles contributing anyw
here from 0 to 20%, depending on rain rate, drop size, and the solubility o
f the gas tracer. Furthermore, the data confirm that the previously selecte
d variable KEF is the best correlate for rain-induced air-water gas exchang