What are the origins of earthquake complexity? The possibility that some as
pects of the complexity displayed by earthquakes might be explained by stre
ss heterogeneities developed through the self-organization of repeated rupt
ures has been suggested by some simple self-organizing models. The question
of whether or not even these: simple self-organizing models require at lea
st some degree of material heterogeneity to maintain complex sequences of e
vents has been the subject of some controversy. In one class of elastodynam
ic models, previous work has described complexity as arising on a model fau
lt with completely uniform material properties. Questions were raised, howe
ver, regarding the role of discreteness; the relevance of the nucleation me
chanism, and special parameter choices, in generating the complexity that h
as been reported. In this paper, we examine the question of whether or not
continuum complexity is achieved under the stringent conditions of continuo
us loading, and whether the results are similar to previously claimed findi
ngs of continuum complexity or its absence. The elastodynamic model that we
use consists of a 1-D fault boundary with friction, a steady slowly moving
1-D boundary parallel to the fault, and a 2-D scalar elastic media connect
ing the two boundaries. The constitutive law used involves a pair of sequen
tial weakening processes, one occurring over a small slip (or velocity) and
accomplishing a small fraction of the total strength drop, and the other a
t larger slip (or velocity) and providing the remaining strength drop. The
large-scale process is motivated by a heat weakening instability. Our main
results are as follows. (1) We generally find complexity of type I, a broad
distribution of large event sizes with nonperiodic recurrence, when the mo
deled region is very long, along strike, compared to the layer thickness. (
2) We find that complexity of type II, with numerous small events showing a
power law distribution, is not a generic result but does definitely exist
in a restricted range of parameter space. For that, in the slip weakening v
ersion of our model, the strength drop and nucleation size in the small sli
p process must be much smaller than in the large slip process, and the nucl
eation length associated with the latter must be comparable to layer thickn
ess. This suggests a basis for reconciling different previously reported re
sults. (3) Bulk dispersion appears to be relatively unimportant to the resu
lts. In particular, motions an the fault plane are seen to be relatively in
sensitive to a wide range of changes in the dispersion in the bulk away fro
m the fault, both at long wavelengths and at short wavelengths. In contrast
, the fault properties are seen to be very important to the results. (4) Nu
cleation from slip weakening and time-dependent weakening showed similar la
rge-scale behavior. However, not all constitutive laws are insensitive to a
ll nucleation approximations; those making a model "inherently discrete" an
d hence grid-dependent, in particular, can affect large scales. (5) While i
nherent discreteness has been seen to be a source of power law small-event
complexity in some fault models, it does not appear to be the cause of the
complexity in the attractors examined here, and reported in earlier work, f
ortuitously in the special parameter range, with the same class of continuu
m fault models and same or very similar constitutive relations. Continuum h
omogeneous dynamic complexity does indeed exist, although that includes typ
e II small-event complexity only under restricted circumstances.