Adrenomedullin is a potent vasodilator peptide originally isolated from phe
ochromocytoma. Adrenomedullin is produced by various types of cells includi
ng neurons and astrocytes. To explore possible pathophysiological roles of
adrenomedullin in hypoxic brain, we studied the effects of hypoxia on the e
xpression of adrenomedullin in T98G human glioblastoma cells by radioimmuno
assay and northern blot analysis. Expression levels of adrenomedullin mRNA
and immunoreactive adrenomedullin levels in the culture medium were increas
ed by hypoxia about six- and about threefold, respectively. Treatment with
cobalt chloride increased expression levels of adrenomedullin mRNA about th
reefold and immunoreactive adrenomedullin levels in the culture medium abou
t threefold in T98G cells. Using actinomycin D, we showed that hypoxia did
not cause the stabilization of the adrenomedullin mRNA, suggesting that the
increased adrenomedullin mRNA levels in response to hypoxia are caused mai
nly by increased transcription. Treatment with cycloheximide caused increas
es in adrenomedullin mRNA levels in both normoxic and hypoxic states, raisi
ng the possibility that some protein(s) may act as a suppressor of adrenome
dullin gene expression in T98G cells. These findings indicate that adrenome
dullin is highly induced during hypoxia in T98G glioblastoma cells and sugg
est that increased expression of adrenomedullin during hypoxia may be impor
tant in the defense against hypoxia or ischemia in the brain.