it has been routine at the University of Alabama Medical Center to obtain a
radionuclide renal function study immediately after transplantation (usual
ly within 3 d) that includes estimation of effective renal plasma flow (ERP
F) from a single plasma sample in addition to imaging. We present here the
correlation between baseline measurements and the 1-y graft survival. Metho
ds: Two cohort years were reviewed: 1988, when I-131-orthoiodohippurate (OI
H) was used; and 1995, when Tc-99m-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3) was used
. ERPF was measured concurrently with gamma-camera imaging by previously pu
blished single-injection, single-sample methods (converting MAG3 clearance
to ERPF by means of a correction factor). Results: Graft survival during th
e first postoperative year improved significantly in the interval between c
ohort years, from 74% of 147 cadaver (GD) grafts in 1988 to 91% of 200 GD g
rafts in 1995 (log rank test, P < 0.05). In contrast, for living related do
nor (LRD) grafts there was no significant change, from 91% of 66 in 1988 to
91% of 83 in 1995. The baseline ERPF was a significant predictor of graft
survival in both 1988 and 1995 (Wilcoxon test, P > 0.05). For LRD grafts th
e association was not significant in either year. Using MAG3 (1995), the pe
ak time and the ratio of counting rate (R) at 20 min to that at 3 min (R20:
3) were also significant predictors for GD graft survival. Using OIH (1988
cohort), the correlation with peak time did not reach significance, and the
R20:3 measurement was not available. Although multivariate combinations (C
ox proportional hazards model) did not have significantly more predictive v
alue at the 95% confidence level than ERPF or R20:3 alone, some statisticia
ns suggest a 75% confidence level for adding an additional covariate to a m
ultivariate model. Use of this level led to a model including both ERPF and
R20:3. Conclusion: Single-sample ERPF measured in the immediate post-trans
plant period, whether from OIH clearance or MAG3 clearance, was a statistic
al predictor of graft survival for CD transplants. For MAG3, the peak time
and R20:3 were also significant predictors. These associations held only fo
r CD transplants and not for LRD transplants.