This study reports on the use of FDG PET in the follow-up of papillary thyr
oid cancer patients with negative findings on I-131 total body scans and el
evated levels of thyroglobulin after total thyroidectomy. Methods: Eleven a
symptomatic patients with previous papillary thyroid cancer, total thyroide
ctomy, I-131 ablation, and treatment of ail known metastases had negative f
indings on I-131 total body scans after therapy but persisting elevations o
f thyroglobulin when not receiving thyroid hormone. All imaging before PET
failed to show persisting tumor. FDG PET was performed on ail patients whil
e receiving full thyroid hormone replacement, except for the repeated scan
of I patient (patient 6). After the PET scan, all patients were referred fo
r supplementary CT, sonography, or biopsy of lesions in the neck. Results:A
ll 11 patients showed FDG uptake in the neck or upper mediastinum-in the in
itial scan in 10 and in a repeated scan in 1. Sonographically guided biopsy
confirmed malignancy in 6, was nondiagnostic in 2, and showed normal findi
ngs in I, In 2 patients, the sonographic results were normal and no biopsy
was attempted. FDG imaging redirected the treatment of 7 patients, resultin
g in surgery and external beam radiotherapy in 3, surgery in 1, and externa
l beam radiotherapy in 2. One patient declined further recommended surgery.
The other 4 patients remain under observation. Surgical histopathology con
firmed thyroid tumor in ail 4 surgically treated patients. Retrospective re
view of the original histopathology slides showed no preponderance of aggre
ssive histology. Conclusion: FDG PET is able to guide further evaluation of
thyroid cancer patients who have elevated thyroglobulin levels and normal
findings on I-131 whole-body scanning.