We conducted swath bathymetry and gravity surveys the whole-length of the Y
ap Trench, lying on the southeastern boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate.
These surveys provided a detailed morphology and substantial insight into t
he tectonics of this area subsequent the Caroline Ridge colliding with this
trench. Horst and graben structures and other indications of normal faulti
ng were observed in the sea-ward trench seafloor, suggesting bending of the
subducting oceanic plate. Major two slope breaks were commonly observed in
the arc-ward trench slope. The origin of these slope breaks is thought to
be thrust faults and lithological boundaries. No flat lying layered sedimen
ts were found in the trench axis. These morphological characteristics sugge
st that the trench is tectonically active and that subduction is presently
occurring. Negative peaks of Bouguer anomalies were observed over the arc-w
ard trench slope. This indicates that the crust is thickest beneath the arc
-ward trench slope because the crustal layers on the convergent two plates
overlap. Bouguer gravity anomalies over the northern portion of the Yap Arc
are positive. These gravity signals show that the Yap Arc is uplifted by d
ynamic force, even though dense crustal layers underlie the arc. This overl
ying high density arc possibly forces the trench to have great water depths
of nearly 9000 m. We propose a tectonic evolution of the trench. Subductio
n along the Yap Trench has continued with very slow rates of convergence, a
lthough the cessation of volcanism at the Yap Arc was contemporaneous with
collision of the Caroline Ridge. The Yap Trench migrated westward with resp
ect to the Philippine Sea Plate after collision, then consumption of the vo
lcanic arc crust occurred, caused by tectonic erosion, and the distance bet
ween the arc and the trench consequently narrowed. Lower crustal sections o
f the Philippine Sea Plate were exposed on the arc-ward trench slope by ove
rthrusting. Intense shearing caused deformation of the accumulated rocks, r
esulting in their metamorphism in the Yap Arc.