The actin-based motility of the bacterium, Listeria monocytogenes, is a mod
el system for understanding motile cell functions involving actin polymeriz
ation(1). Although the biochemical and genetic aspects of Listeria motility
have been intensely studied(2-5), biophysical data are sparse(6). Here we
have used high-resolution laser tracking to follow the trailing ends of Lis
teria moving in the lamellae of COS7 cells. We found that pauses during mot
ility occur frequently and that episodes of step-like motion often show pau
ses spaced at about 5.4 nm, which corresponds to the spatial periodicity of
F-actin(7). We occasionally observed smaller steps (<3 nm), as well as per
iods of motion with no obvious pauses. Clearly, bacteria do not sense cytop
lasmic viscoelasticity because they fluctuate 20 times less than adjacent l
ipid droplets. Instead, bacteria bind their own actin 'tails', and the anch
oring proteins can 'step' along growing filaments within the actin tail. Be
cause positional fluctuations are unusually small, the forces of associatio
n and propulsion must be very strong. Our data disprove the brownian ratche
t model(8) and limit alternative models, such as the 'elastic' brownian rat
chet(9) or the 'molecular' ratchet(4,10).