Some characteristics of immune sera after toltrazuril treatment which may b
e involved in the enhancement of immunity are as follows. Firstly, toltrazu
ril acts against all intracellular parasite stages from I to 168 h post-inf
ection: intracellular schizonts of generations I, II and III and also intra
cellular gamonts. These damaged stages remain in the host cell for a prolon
ged time, during which they act as antigens which can be recognised by the
immune system. Secondly, immune sera during therapeutic treatment with tolt
razuril show a high antibody titre of 1:100 and 1:250 in IFAT after challen
ge. In the immunoblot, these sera show a strong reaction with low molecular
protein fragments between 14 and 20 kDa. Toltrazuril does not interfere wi
th the process of parasite protein recognition by the immune system during
infection. Thirdly, there is a tendency for a higher IgG response after tre
atment with toltrazuril. Fourthly, a higher antibody titre in IFAT, immunob
lot and ELISA correlates with a higher reduction in oocyst excretion, lesio
n scoring and increased weight gains in toltrazuril-treated animals.