Purpose - Current asthma guidelines advocate early intervention with inhale
d corticosteroids. The aim of the study was to examine the association betw
een continuity of dispensed prescribing for inhaled corticosteroids, and ho
spitalization for asthma or use of high dose oral corticosteroids.
Methods - Using the MEMO record-linkage database we identified subjects rec
eiving inhaled corticosteroids (aged 12-45 years). Compliance was estimated
by calculating the number of days, for which a subject could have taken an
inhaled corticosteroid. In the 90-day exposure-window, subjects with 90 da
ys therapy were considered to be 'compliant', those with 1-89 days to be 'p
artially compliant', and those with zero days to be 'non-compliant'.
Results - There were 4535 subjects who had 88 occurrences of hospitalizatio
n for asthma, and 457 subjects with either hospitalization or high dose ora
l corticosteroids. The proportion of hospitalizations for compliant, partia
lly compliant and noncompliant subjects was 9, 3 and 1%. The odds-ratios, v
ersus compliance, were 0.34 (95% CI, 0.19-0.62) for partial compliance, and
0.10 (95% CI, 0.05, 0.19) for non-compliance. This association disappeared
after adjustment for beta-agonists and other relief medication.
Conclusions - As dispensed prescribing decreased, the incidence of hospital
ization and high dose oral corticosteroids decreased. Patients with good co
ntinuity of prescribing had the highest rates of serious asthma-related out
comes. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.