Rutherford backscattering (RBS) is a nondestructive, fully quantitative tec
hnique for accurately determining the compositional depth profile of thin f
ilms. The inverse RES problem: which is to determine from the data the corr
esponding sample structure, is, however, in general ill posed. Skilled anal
ysts use their knowledge and experience to recognize recurring features in
the data and;elate them to features in the sample: structure. This is then
followed by a detailed quantitative analysis. We have developed an artifici
al neural network (ANN) for the same purpose, applied to the specific case
of Ge-implanted Si. The ANN was trained with thousands of constructed spect
ra of samples for which the structure is known. It thus learns how to inter
pret the spectrum of a given sample, without any knowledge of the physics i
nvolved. The ANN was then applied to experimental data from samples of unkn
own structure. The quantitative results obtained were compared with those g
iven by traditional analysis methods and are excellent. The major advantage
of ANNs over those other methods is that, after the time-consuming trainin
g phase; the analysis is instantaneous, which opens the door to automated o
n-line data analysis. Furthermore, the ANN was able to distinguish two diff
erent classes of data which are experimentally difficult to analyze, This o
pens the door to automated on-line optimization of the experimental conditi