We analytically study coarsening dynamics in a system with nonconserved sca
lar order parameter, when a uniform time-independent shear flow is present.
We use an anisotropic version of the Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki approximation to
calculate the growth exponents in two and three dimensions: for d=3 the ex
ponents we find are the same as expected on the basis of simple scaling arg
uments, that is, 3/2 in the flow direction and 1/2 in all the other directi
ons, while for d=2 we find an unusual behavior, in that the domains experie
nce an unlimited narrowing for very large times and a nontrivial dynamical
scaling appears. In addition, we consider the case where an oscillatory she
ar is applied to a two-dimensional system, finding in this case a standard
t(1/2) growth, modulated by periodic oscillations. We support our two-dimen
sional results by means of numerical simulations and we propose to test our
predictions by experiments on twisted nematic liquid crystals.