With two different kinds of particles and three different circulating fluid
ized (CFB) bed risers, the riser diameter influences on bed density for dif
ferent particles were investigated by measuring the total pressure drop acr
oss the whole riser and the axial profile of apparent voidage. The risers h
ad the same bed height of 3.0 m but different inner diameters of 66, 97 and
150 mm, respectively. Particles of FCC and silica sand were used, which be
long to types A and B of Geldart classification, respectively. It was found
that riser diameter has opposite influences for Geldart A and B particles
on the total pressure drop across the whole riser and the differential pres
sure gradient (apparent solids concentration) at a specified bed elevation.
With increasing riser diameter, these two pressure drops increase for grou
p B but decrease for group A particles, consistent with several other liter
ature measurements in pilot-scale risers. As a result of these different de
pendencies of bed density on riser diameter, the saturation-carrying capaci
ty, i.e., the solids circulation rate at the dilute suspension collapse, wa
s also found to vary differently with riser diameter for different particle
s. That is, the increase in riser diameter increases the saturation-carryin
g capacity for Geldart A but decreases it for Geldart B particles. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.