The results of the psychoanalytic evaluation of a patient gathered during t
he diagnostic process can only be applied in appropriate educational proced
ures if an undisturbed dialogue exists within the multidisciplinary treatme
nt team of a ward. Pedagogic activities based on such assessments bring abo
ut a continuous verification or falsification of the primary diagnostic eva
luation. They not only reflect it's quality but also furnish new informatio
n. In loop-like movements the position of the evaluation at the beginning o
f the in-patient treatment is supplemented or revised. Every traumatic expe
rience; be it dissociated or otherwise isolated from consciousness, because
of the continuous vulnerability of the traumatised subject can be triggere
d and reactivated under special conditions. The practical interlock of the
results of the psychoanalytic assessment at the beginning and the education
al activities of everyday-life during hospitalisation are exemplified by th
e case history of a multiple traumatised adolescent.