Mask delivery: Noninvasive ventilation designates ventilation methods which
do not use the endotracheal route. Noninvasive ventilation is generally de
livered via a facial mask (generally for patients with acute respiratory fa
ilure) or a nasal mask (widely used for home-delivery systems). I
Indications: Following work conducted by Rideau in the eighties who made th
e first ventilation trials in patients with myopathy, Meduri then Brochard
focused interest on noninvasive ventilation for the management of acute epi
sodes in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Following a simple algo
rithm, first intention noninvasive ventilation can be used in case of acute
decompensation of chronic respiratory failure when the degree of urgency a
nd the patient's status do not require immediate endotracheal ventilation.
A weaning tool: In addition to this well recognized indication, recent tria
ls have demonstrated the usefulness of noninvasive ventilation as a weaning
tool for patients on conventional endotracheal ventilation.