The paper presents a general approach to the estimation of the quantile fun
ction of a non-negative random variable using the principle of minimum cros
s-entropy (CrossEnt) subject to constraints specified in terms of expectati
ons of order statistics estimated from observed data.
Traditionally CrossEnt is used for estimating the probability density funct
ion under specified moment constraints. In such analyses, consideration of
higher order moments is important for accurate modelling of the distributio
n tail. Since the higher order (>2) moment estimates from a small sample of
data tend to be highly biased and uncertain, the use of CrossEnt quantile
estimates in extreme value analysis is fairly limited.
The present paper is an attempt to overcome this problem via the use of pro
bability weighted moments (PWMs), which are essentially the expectations of
order statistics. In contrast with ordinary statistical moments, higher or
der PWMs can be accurately estimated from small samples. By interpreting a
PWM as the moment of quantile function, the paper derives an analytical for
m of quantile function using the CrossEnt principle. Monte Carlo simulation
s are performed to assess the accuracy of CrossEnt quantile estimates obtai
ned from small samples. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.