Donations (in cash and kind) amounting to $200,000 from companies in the so
uth-western Sydney region have allowed the construction of a teaching, rese
arch and public access Observatory at the University of Western Sydney in C
ampbelltown. The Observatory will also serve as the home of the Australian
Optical SETI Project (OZ OSETI for short), Two fibre-glass domes will be in
stalled at the site, The main 4.5 m fibre-glass dome will house a 0.4 m tel
escope while the smaller 2.9 m dome will house a 0.3 m telescope. Both tele
scopes are fork-mounted Schmidt-Cassegrains working at f/10. An outside obs
ervation area will be used for tripod-mounted telescopes for public use and
teaching purposes, The expected completion date for the project is July 20