Nitrification is defined as a biological oxidation of ammonium to nitrite a
nd nitrate, or more generally as the biological transformation of reduced f
orms of nitrogen to oxidized forms. In many soils nitrification is a key pr
ocess in nitrogen transformations as it converts the exchangeable cation, N
H4+, to the mobile anions NO2- and NO3-, which rapidly undergo other transf
ormations (denitrification to N-2 and N2O, assimilatory and disimilatory ni
trate reduction to ammonia, nitrate respiration; Fig. 1) or are easily leac
hed from the soil. High rates of nitrification thus usually lead to high lo
sses of nitrogen from soil. Moreover, as the oxidation of nitrogen compound
s during nitrification produces hydrogen ions (H+), nitrification results i
n acidification of the soil. Most nitrification is carried out by chemolith
oautotrophic bacteria belonging to the family Nitrobacteraceae. The family
consists of two main groups, the ammonia-oxidizing or nitrosobacteria and t
he nitrite-oxidizing or nitrobacteria (Tab. I). Nitrifying bacteria are obl
igate aerobes and gain energy from the oxidation of reduced nitrogen compou
nds to fix CO2 to organic carbon. Although nitrite and nitrate are main nit
rification products, there is an increasing evidence that also some gaseous
nitrogen species, namely NO and N2O, are produced as by products during th
e autotrophic nitrification. In addition to chemolithoautotrophic nitrifyin
g bacteria, many other (heterotrophic) soil bacteria and fungi have an abil
ity to oxidize reduced nitrogen compounds, both mineral (NH4+) and organic
in the process called heterotrophic nitrification - heterotrophy is related
to use of organic compounds as a source of carbon for biomass synthesis. H
eterotrophic nitrifiers apparently do not obtain energy from the process an
d thus its physiological importance is not clear. Nevertheless, heterotroph
ic nitrification can prevail in (micro)sites with unfavorable conditions fo
r autotrophic nitrifiers in, for example, acidic forest soils. As with auto
trophic nitrification, nitrogen gases may also be produced during heterotro
phic nitrification, although the significance of both autotrophic and heter
otrophic sources of NO and N2O has not been clearly demonstrated. It has be
en recently found that substantial amounts of NO and N2O can be produced by
autotrophic nitrifiers under conditions with lowered pO(2). At high pO(2)
the organisms use molecular oxygen to oxidise NH; during nitrification, whi
ch depletes the O-2 in their microenvironment. In order to maintain catabol
ism, nitrifying bacteria may switch to using either nitrate or nitrite as a
n electron acceptor in respiration reactions, saving any remaining O-2 for
activation of NH4+ by ammonium monooxygenase enzyme. This in fact means tha
t they carry out denitrification reactions which were found to be an import
ant source of nitrogen gases. The process is called nitrifier denitrificati
on and is believed to contribute substantially to NO and N2O production in
many soils. Nitrification is controlled by many environmental variables (Fi
g. 2), but the principal regulatory factors are ammonium as the substrate a
nd partial pressure of molecular oxygen. The latter is a result of balance
between soil air and soil moisture content, which is controlled both direct
ly and indirectly by many environmental conditions.
The only practical way for controlling the rate of nitrification in the fie
ld is thus the use of specific chemical compounds known as nitrification in
hibitors (Tab. II), or to manage soil N to prevent substatial NH4+ accumula
tion at times when plant demand is small. Several techniques for estimation
of nitrification rates in soil were developed, of which short-term nitrify
ing enzyme assay is a promising tool for the indication of recent capacity
of the soil to nitrify.