The protein N-WASP [a homolog to the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP
)I regulates actin polymerization by stimulating the actin-nucleating activ
ity of the actin-related protein 2/3 (Arp2/3) complex. N-WASP is tightly re
gulated by multiple signals: Only costimulation by Cdc42 and phosphatidylin
ositol (4,5)-bisphosphate (PIP2) yields potent polymerization. We found tha
t regulation requires N-WASP's constitutively active output domain (VCA) an
d two regulatory domains: a Cdc42-binding domain and a previously undescrib
ed PIP2-binding domain. In the absence of stimuli, the regulatory modules t
ogether hold the VCA-Arp2/3 complex in an inactive "closed" conformation. I
n this state, both the Cdc42- and PIP2-binding sites are masked. Binding of
either input destabilizes the closed state and enhances binding of the oth
er input. This cooperative activation mechanism shows how combinations of s
imple binding domains can be used to integrate and amplify coincident signa