Tumor oxygenation affects the biologic behavior of a tumor and also its rad
iation response. Decreased tumor oxygenation has been associated with an ag
gressive phenotype and with decreased local tumor control following irradia
tion. Thus, measurement of oxygenation may be useful for pretreatment evalu
ation of a tumor. Many methods for assessing tumor oxygenation are availabl
e but most are invasive. There is a need for a non-invasive measure of oxyg
enation, or a surrogate for oxygenation. Measurement of perfusion has been
suggested as a substitute for measurement of oxygenation. The use of washin
kinetics of iodinated contrast medium to estimate perfusion has been shown
to be related to radiation response of human carcinomas. We quantified the
washin kinetics of iodinated contrast medium using dynamic CT in 9 dogs. A
ll dogs had a malignant nasal tumor and perfusion was quantified at two sit
es in each tumor to evaluate intratumoral variation in perfusion. Dogs were
given an intravenous bolus injection of contrast medium and arterial and t
umor washin kinetics quantified using a helical CT scanner. Perfusion was e
stimated from these data using previously validated methods. Eight of the 9
dogs received definitive radiation therapy and perfusion was quantified a
second time in these 8 dogs midway through irradiation, Pretreatment perfus
ion varied between dogs by a factor of 16.9, Between dog variation in perfu
sion was subjectively greater than within tumor variation based on comparis
on of two intratumoral regions. Changes in perfusion in individual dogs dur
ing irradiation were observed, but no identifiable pattern of perfusion alt
eration was detected. Measurement of perfusion in canine nasal tumors using
dynamic CT is possible and further study of this parameter as it relates t
o radiation response is reasonable.