There are two general ways in which a diagnosis of infection by Helicobacte
r pylori can be made: by using either an invasive or non-invasive procedure
. The invasive procedures involve an endoscopy and biopsy. A biopsy is esse
ntial because often the mucosa may appear macroscopically normal but nevert
heless be inflamed. A biopsy is obtained by histological examination, cultu
re, polymerase chain reaction or detection of the presence of urease activi
ty in biopsy material.
The non-invasive tests that can be used to diagnose the infection are serol
ogy, detection of labelled metabolic products of urea hydrolysis in the bre
ath ((CO2)-C-13, (CO2)-C-14), the urine or the blood, and detection of H. p
ylori antigen in a stool specimen. At present no single test can be relied
upon to detect definitely colonization by H. pylori, and a combination of t
wo is recommended if this is feasible. The choice of the test to be used is
not straightforward and may vary according to the clinical condition and l
ocal expertise.