We wanted to ascertain whether the current format of lipid laboratory repor
ts seemed adequate to promote identification and treatment of patients with
dyslipidemia. In a random survey of lipid laboratory reports from 25 labor
atories, we found great inconsistencies among reporting formats and content
s, Fewer than half the laboratories correctly reported the ranges for chole
sterol, only 4 correctly reported ranges fbr high-density lipoprotein chole
sterol, only 2 correctly reported ranges for triglycerides, and none presen
ted law-density lipoprotein cholesterol ranges in terms of risk factors for
coronary heart disease. Reports typically were disjointed and difficult to
read The current practice of reporting results for lipid panels is confusi
ng and does not follow the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) gu
idelines. We recommend that reporting of results be standardized, and a "mo
del" standardized report is presented herein, based on consensus from a tea
m of experts. The standardized report uses current recommendations for rang
es, follows the flowcharts of the NCEP guidelines, and takes the patient's
clinical condition (the number of risk factors and the presence of coronary
heart disease) into consideration. Standardizing lipid reports should decr
ease confusion and perhaps increase application of the guidelines and patie
nt compliance with treatment.