The aim of this study was to examine whether the isolated perfused bovine u
dder could be used as a suitable in vitro inflammation model. A common in v
ivo inflammation model is arachidonic acid-induced inflammation in mouse ea
rs. As an in vitro substitute for this model, arachidonic acid was administ
ered topically to the skin of an isolated perfused bovine udder and the sub
sequent changes in eicosanoid synthesis were examined. As with the mouse-ea
r model, there was a significant increase in eicosanoid synthesis (prostagl
andins E-2 and F-2 alpha and leukotrienes B-4 and C-4/D-4/E-4) following to
pical irritation. This effect lasted for 3 hours. In addition, the changes
in prostaglandin E-2 synthesis in the skin following irritation with arachi
donic acid were measured by the microdialysis technique. In conclusion, the
in vitro model described seems suitable for studies of pharmacological eff
ects on eicosanoid synthesis.