Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) includes several forms of chronic arthr
itis in children. Treatments are chosen according to the type and severity
of the disease. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticost
eroids remain the mainstays of therapy. Traditional slower acting anti-rheu
matic drugs, such as gold therapy, penicillamine, sulfasalazine, tiopronin
and hydroxychloroquine, are usually poorly active in children. In addition,
adverse effects are common, including severe macrophage activation syndrom
e with gold therapy or sulfasalazine. Low dose, once weekly methotrexate ha
s emerged as the therapeutic agent of choice for children who fail to respo
nd adequately to the administration of an NSAID, especially in those with t
he extended oligoarticular subtype of the disease. Other immunosuppressive
agents, such as cyclosporin, an sometimes combined with methotrexate. In re
cent years, novel treatments have been developed. Autologous hematopoietic
stem cell transplantation is effective in a number of children with severe
JIA, whose disease has been refractory to conventional therapy. However, on
ly short term follow-up data are currently available for this novel therapy
. In addition, severe infections complicated by macrophage activation syndr
ome and death have been reported. Finally, anti-tumour necrosis factor-alph
a: therapy has shown efficacy in more than two-thirds of children with JIA
and polyarthritis, and other cytokine inhibitors may he soon available.