Like many other cancers, melanoma has a significant genetic basis. However,
its genetic pathways may involve multiple genes with probable interactions
with sun exposure. Germline mutations in p16 or CDKN2A are found in a sign
ificant percentage of relatively rare melanoma families but p16 mutations a
re uncommom in sporadic tumours. p16 may still be involved by other mechani
sms of inactivation; however, it is clear that other melanoma genes remain
to be discovered. Family, case-control, twin and sib-pair analyses as well
as DNA chip technology may shed some light on genes involved in melanocytic
differentiation and skin pigmentation. Recent public health campaigns have
not been very successful in changing behaviour regarding tanning, and the
relationship between sun exposure and melanoma is very complex. With the un
derstanding of genetic alterations leading to this tumour, follow-up strate
gies and behavioural interventions may be more specifically designed to tar
get high risk groups.