Vision is not routinely tested when the health of older people is assessed,
and the aim of this study was to detect older people with vision impairmen
t for referral to appropriate eye care services. People admitted for assess
ment and or rehabilitation in three aged care assessment centres had distan
ce and near visual acuity assessed with a simplified vision test. A pinhole
test was used when necessary. Referral criteria were distance visual acuit
y of less than 6 / 12; near vision of less than N8, and people with diabete
s who had not attended a dilated fundus examination in the last 2 years. Vi
sual acuity results were obtained in 93% of patients (685 / 735). Those una
ble to perform the vision test were very ill or had severe cognitive impair
ment. Forty-three per cent of patients (266 / 646) had impaired vision and,
of these, 70.6% (188 / 266) were referred to eye care specialists. Forty-f
ive per cent were referred to ophthalmologists, 36% to optometrists and 20%
to low vision services. This significant proportion of patients with poor
vision suggests that vision screening is warranted.