Morulae and unhatched blastocysts from Large White hyperprolific (LWh) and
Meishan (MS) gifts were selected to test an ultrarapid open pulled straw (O
PS) vitrification method with two media, The viability of vitrified/warmed
embryos was estimated by the percentage of embryos that developed to the ha
tched blastocyst stage in vitro or by birth after transfer. In Experiment 1
, two cryoprotectant dilution media were compared for cryopreservation of M
S and LWh blastocysts: TCM was a standard Hepes-buffered TCM199 + 20% NBCS
medium and PBS was a PBS + 20% NBCS medium. After a two-step equilibration
in ethylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and sucrose, 2-5 blastocysts were l
oaded into OPS and plunged into liquid nitrogen. Embryos were warmed: a fou
r-step dilution with decreasing concentrations of sucrose was applied. In P
BS, LWh blastocysts (27%) had a lower viability in vitro than MS blastocyst
s (67%; P = 0.001). In TCM, no significant difference was observed between
genotypes (41% for LWh and 43% for MS blastocysts) and both viability rates
were lower than that of the control groups. In Experiment 2, morula-stage
LWh and MS embryos were vitrified and warmed using PBS. The viability rate
was low and did not differ between LWh (11%) and MS (14%). In Experiment 3,
200 MS and 200 LWh blastocysts were vitrified/warmed as described in Exper
iment 1 (PBS). In each of 20 MS recipients, 20 embryos were transferred. Th
e farrowing rate was 55% and recipients farrowed four and five piglets (med
ian) for MS and LWh blastocysts, respectively. The OPS method is therefore
appropriate for cryopreservation of unhatched porcine blastocysts. (C) 2000
Academic Press.