The introduction of advanced assisted reproduction technologies (ART) has c
reated opportunities for the treatment of infertility among patients with m
yelomeningocele (MMC). The aim of this study was to assess the possibility
of semen retrieval and to analyse the semen quality in men with MMC. Nine m
en, aged 22 to 39 with MMC participated in the study. Two participants were
able to achieve unassisted ejaculation. Vibratory stimulation was unsucces
sfully attempted in the remaining seven participants who then underwent ele
ctroejaculation under general anaesthesia. In total, enough spermatozoa for
intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection were retrieved from five participan
ts. In four cases, no spermatozoa were observed in the ejaculates. Testicul
ar biopsies, however, revealed spermatogenesis, and thus a reproductive pot
ential, in one of these men. Therefore, in six of the nine men with MMC, fa
therhood seemed possible with modern ART, despite the semen quality general
ly being very poor.