Recent well-dated isotopic (Sr-Nd) fingerprinting of Heinrich layer ice-raf
ted detritus (IRD) on the European margin indicates supply from European ic
e sheets as precursors to Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) supply [F.E. Grousset
et al., Geology 28 (2000) 123-126, H. Snoeckx et al., Mar. Geol. 158 (1999)
197-208]. These precursor events lead LIS input by up to 1.5 ka [F.E. Grou
sset et al., Geology 28 (2000) 123-126] and have been interpreted to indica
te LIS collapse during Heinrich events stimulated by events originating on
the European side of the Atlantic [F.E. Grousset et al., Geology 28 (2000)
123-126]. Such phasing of IRD supply from different sources within Heinrich
layers therefore has implications for the origin and mechanics of Heinrich
events. We present evidence here that the IRD comprising Heinrich layer 2
(H2; similar to 20-21 C-14 ka BP) on the European continental margin contai
ns detrital Campanian Upper Chalk deriving from bedrock sources eroded on t
he Celtic shelf by the British Ice Sheet (BIS) in addition to lithic materi
al sourced from the LIS. High-resolution radiocarbon chronology indicates c
halk grain deposition as discrete pulses both before and coincident with su
pply of LIS-sourced detritus. The specificity of the chalk fingerprint to t
he BIS enables a 700-1000 yr lag between the BIS and LIS events to be ident
ified. This phasing indicates a more rapid response of the outlet lobes dra
ining the smaller BIS than those draining the LIS and implicates external c
limatic forcing of Heinrich events. It is unlikely that this precursor even
t represents IRD event is, the recently identified 1-2 ka IRD cycle event w
hich immediately precedes H2, because the lag between precursor and main ev
ent is here less than 1.5 ka and because such pervasive periodicity is not
apparent in European continental margin IRD records. The later synchroneity
between the BIS and LIS input in H2 identifies glacio-eustatic sea-level r
ise associated with LIS discharges as a possible feedback mechanism causing
destabilisation of ice streams elsewhere during Heinrich events. (C) 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.