Projected changes in global climate have important ramifications for the fu
ture of national parks and other reserves set aside to conserve ecological
uniqueness. We explored potential implications of climatic changes on lifef
orm distribution and growth at Wind Cave National Park (WCNP), South Dakota
, which lies on a climatically determined ecotone between grassland and for
est. Fire, promoted by healthy grasslands, is a negative feedback limiting
tree development because it kills seedlings and consumes live foliage thus
reducing tree growth and survival. Historical records show that fire suppre
ssion has enhanced forest expansion. On the other hand, livestock grazing r
educes grass biomass and fuel loads thus indirectly reducing fire frequency
and enhancing the expansion of forests or woodlands. Natural fires and mod
erate grazing by native herbivores have maintained the coexistence of trees
and grasses but climatic variations affecting the area's water resources c
an lead to dominance by either lifeform. We used a dynamic vegetation model
(DVM) MC1 to simulate the interactions between climatic changes, natural f
ire regime, and grazing pressure and their impact on the biogeographical an
d biogeochemical characteristics of the park. We used one future climate pr
ojection (HADCM2SUL) which simulates warmer weather by the end of the next
century: the temperature increase would constrain the growth of trees that
rely on the availability of deep water, favor shrub and grass development a
nd promote a shift from forests to woodlands. Woody encroachment of shrubs
in grasslands areas, enhanced by grazing, was only held in check by frequen
t natural fires in the simulation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.