The major purpose of this paper is to explore the potential value of benefi
t-cost evaluation for stormwater quality management decisions at a local le
vel. A preliminary benefit-cost analysis (BCA) screening method is used for
maximum extent practicable (MEP) analysis, identifying promising managemen
t practices, and identifying societal and economic tradeoffs for local stor
mwater problems. Ballona Creek, a major urban storm drain in Los Angeles, C
alifornia, USA, is used to illustrate the practicality of the benefit-cost
evaluation. The Ballona Creek example demonstrates the economic limits of s
tormwater management in an urban region and attests to the value of coordin
ated basinwide management compared to uncoordinated management by individua
l landowners. Evaluation results suggest that in urban areas, the benefit o
f stormwater quality improvements might be far greater if accompanied by co
mprehensive redesign of drainage networks and neighboring land uses. In thi
s case, benefit-cost analysis is found to be useful for evaluating and unde
rstanding stormwater management alternatives despite the uncertainties in c
haracterizing stormwater quality and the effects of stormwater management o
n improving receiving water quality.