Prenatal diagnostic technology makes it possible to offer women the option
of electively terminating pregnancies affected by birth defects. Excluding
these pregnancies from epidemiologic studies may affect study results. We e
xplored this effect using examples from the literature. We calculated the b
ias in the odds ratio caused by excluding prenatally diagnosed pregnancies
when the exposure of interest is not correlated with the likelihood of term
inating an affected pregnancy and when it is correlated with an increase or
decrease in this likelihood. We assumed that control infants did not have
birth defects. When the exposure is not associated with the likelihood of a
pregnancy termination, studies excluding terminations suffer a loss of pre
cision. When the exposure is associated with an increase or decrease in thi
s likelihood, the odds ratios are biased toward or away from the null, resp
ectively. The magnitude of the bias will vary according to characteristics
of the study population such as the prevalence of the exposure and the freq
uency with which prenatal diagnosis and elective termination are used. When
ever possible, pregnancies terminated after prenatal diagnosis must be incl
uded in epidemiologic studies.