Background & Aims: The influence of disease progression and pancreatic surg
ery on the appearance of diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic pancrea
titis is unknown. Methods: A prospective cohort study of 500 consecutive pa
tients with chronic pancreatitis (alcoholics, 85%) followed up over a mean
period of 7.0 +/- 6.8 years in a medical-surgical institution between 1973
and 1996 was performed. Multivariate analysis of risk factors for diabetes
mellitus was performed after exclusion of 47 patients. Patients who underwe
nt elective pancreatic surgery (n = 231, 51%) were compared with patients w
ho never underwent surgery (n = 222, 49%). Results: The cumulative rate of
diabetes mellitus was 83% +/- 4% 25 years after the clinical onset of chron
ic pancreatitis (insulin requirement, 54% +/- 6%), The prevalence of diabet
es mellitus did not increase in the surgical group overall but was higher 5
years after distal pancreatectomy(57% +/- 8%) than after pancreaticoduoden
ectomy (36% +/- 18%), pancreatic drainage (36% +/- 13%), or cystic, biliary
, or digestive drainage (24% +/- 7%) (P = 0.005), without difference in the
latter ones. Pancreatic drainage did not prevent the onset of diabetes mel
litus. Distal pancreatectomy (risk ratio, 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI]
, 1.6-3.8; P < 0.0001) and early onset of pancreatic calcifications (risk r
atio, 3.2; CI, 2.2-4.7; P < 0.0001) were the only independent risk factors
for diabetes mellitus. Conclusions: The risk of diabetes mellitus is not in
fluenced by elective pancreatic surgical procedures other than distal pancr
eatectomy in patients with chronic pancreatitis. This risk seems to be larg
ely caused by progression of the disease because it increased by more than
3-fold after the onset of pancreatic calcifications.