It is paradoxical that exotic species invade and displace native species th
at are well adapted to local environments. Yet, even those exotics that eve
ntually become abundant and widespread, often do so only after having faile
d to establish following multiple earlier introductions. The first pattern,
while not generally discussed in this context, is usually explained by exo
tic species pre-adaptations for human-altered environments and by a release
from enemies. It can be understood further by examining the superior quali
ty of colonists from large species-rich regions and the historical continge
ncy of evolution. The second pattern is generally explained by invoking dem
ographic and environmental stochasticity; however, it can be understood fur
ther by examining the role of environmental variation over space and by met
apopulation dynamics. These processes provide a context in which these patt
erns of invasion are not paradoxical, but instead, expected.