HLA-DM removes CLIP and other loosely bound peptides from MHC class II mole
cules. The crystal structures of class II molecules and of HLA-DM have not
permitted identification of their interaction sites. Here, we describe muta
tions in class II that impair interactions with DM. Libraries of randomly m
utagenized DR3 alpha and beta chains were screened for their ability to cau
se cell surface accumulation of CLIP/DR3 complexes in EBV-B cells. Seven mu
tations were associated with impaired peptide loading in vivo, as detected
by SDS stability assays. In vitro, these mutant DR3 molecules were resistan
t to DM-catalyzed CLIP release and showed reduced binding to DM. All mutati
ons localize to a single lateral face of HLA-DR, which we propose interacts
with DM during peptide exchange.